Why Consider Filipinos For Aged Care Workers?

Irrespective of whether you run a retirement home, manage an elderly ward of a hospital or need help for your parents or grandparents, trusting someone to take care of the elderly is a very sensitive issue. 

You need someone who is loving, passionate, patient and gentle. We believe that qualified Filipino student aged care workers fit the description perfectly. In this blog, we explain why we feel that recruiting aged care workers from the Philippines is ideal for you. This is based on our recruitment processes and experience, and therefore we urge you to do full research before trusting any recruitment agency.


Qualification is obviously highly crucial as you want to hire someone who is competent to perform the task of aged care work. Trusting someone’s personality and nature is one thing, but trusting their capabilities and expertise is the most important aspect.

Our students would have completed a Cert III in Aged Care Support online while they were still in the Philippines. This certification involves a rigorous 120-hour work placement where our students are evaluated by a qualified Australian assessor. Therefore, this gives us and you peace of mind that our recruits are adequately prepared to assist in any aged care work.


It is completely natural for you to be concerned about whether there will be a language barrier, as communication is a critical part of the job. Did you know that the Philippines ranked fifth for English speaking countries in the world? Interestingly enough, English is one of the two official languages of the country. Thus, there will be no language barrier and communication will flow as is expected.


Filipinos are raised with very traditional morals and values. They are caring and loyal, passionate, hard working and family orientated. Therefore, we feel they make the perfect candidates for taking care of people and especially the elderly and frail. 

Filipino caretakers are widely in demand all over the world, and you can see why!

If you are looking for Filipino student aged care workers in Australia, we at Australian Travel Mate have a great recruitment and placement programme. We will make it our goal to provide you with the very best caretaker for your business, hospital or home. Reach out to our team today to see how we can assist you.